Elevate Bio Longevity Journal

The Amazing Promise of Dihydronicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMNH): A Key to Longevity and Cellular Health

As the science of longevity continues to advance, one molecule has captured the attention of researchers and health enthusiasts alike: Dihydronicotinamide Mononucleotide, or NMNH. This ...
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Longevity Treatments With The Added Benefit Of Youthful Skin

Aging is a natural process, but with advancements in longevity treatments, maintaining youthful, radiant skin is more achievable than ever. Beyond traditional skincare routines, cutting-edge ...
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The Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Improve Your Healthspan

Inflammation, while a natural part of the body’s immune response, can become harmful when it turns chronic. Chronic inflammation is linked to various age-related diseases, ...
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Understanding Epigenetics

Epigenetics has become one of the most exciting fields in modern biology, revealing how our genes are influenced by our environment and experiences. It offers ...
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Facts About Berberine and Why It’s Been Dubbed Nature’s Ozempic

Berberine and Why It’s Been Dubbed Nature’s Ozempic: Key Takeaways Berberine is a natural compound with potential benefits for managing blood sugar levels, similar to ...
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Hydroxy Therapy: A Gateway to Enhanced Health and Wellness

In the modern age of health and wellness, a growing number of people are turning to hydroxy therapy as a potential solution for a variety ...
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Elevate’s Top 10 Longevity Reads: Latest Literature to Unlock the Secrets to a Longer, Healthier Life

Latest Literature to Unlock the Secrets to a Longer, Healthier Life In the quest for longevity, understanding the science behind aging and how to extend ...
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Is the Mediterranean Diet the Optimal Diet for Longevity?

Whilst the Mediterranean diet has a strong evidence base supporting its role in promoting longevity and health, is it the ultimate choice? The answer may ...
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Biological Age vs. Chronological Age

Key Takeaways:  Chronological Age is the number of years you have lived since birth, while Biological Age refers to how old your body appears at ...
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The Fountain of Youth: A Timeless Quest with Modern Answers for Extended Healthspan

For centuries, the legend of the Fountain of Youth has captivated the imagination of explorers, philosophers and dreamers alike. This mythical spring, said to restore ...
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Infrared Sauna + Red Light Therapy

Key Takeaways:  Infrared saunas and red light therapy are both innovative wellness treatments that support cellular health, longevity and overall wellbeing.  Infrared saunas help with ...
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How Managing Senescent Cells Could Be the Key to Aging Well

Aging is an inevitable part of life, but what if we could extend our healthy years rather than just add more years to our lifespan? ...
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